tkz-graph example (A latex graph drawing package)

I recently wanted to use tkz-graph again and found the example below no longer works… here’s an updated version and a copy of the version of tkz-graph I used (old notes are below):



\tikzset{node distance = 5cm}

\tikzset{LabelStyle/.style = {fill=white,sloped}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {->,bend left}}



The tkz-graph documentation seems very good, but it’s in french. I don’t know french. However I managed to make a little graph with loops and edge labelling. I have to say I’m pretty impressed with the results. Here’s the Latex:



  \tikzset{node distance = 5cm}

  \tikzset{LabelStyle/.style = {fill=white,sloped}}
  \tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {->,bend left}}


And here's how it renders:

That's actually a De Bruijn graph for alphabet size 2, k=2 if I've done it right.